What is Nano Silicon?
Nano silicon
Crystal silicon particles are five nanometers in size. It’s extremely pure, and the particles are very small. The powder is uniformly distributed. This powder has low bulk density, high surface areas, and high activity. It’s flavorless and safe to eat. It is produced from high-power, gap-energy light sources.
Nano silicon: Recent Research
(1) It is possible to alter the silicon-rich or analing conditions in order to adjust the size and density the silicon dioxide nanocrystals. For silicon oxide nanocrystals to be formed, they must be heated to 1000oC. You can experiment to determine this temperature. High-resolution electron photo of silicon-rich Silicon Oxide at 900oC show a silicon richness around 30%. The presence of silicon nanocrystals can be seen.
(2) The first observation of electron luminescence in the Au/(Ge/SiO2) supralattice/pSi-crystal. Ultra-high resolution electron micrograph from the Ge/SiO2 supralattice, with four periods. SiO2 has a thickness of 2.25 nm. Ge layers are 2.5 nm thick.
(3) A silicon substrate was used by magnetron spraying to make the nano-SiO2/Si/SiO2 sandwich. In an Au/NDB/pSi configuration, visible electroluminescence was achieved for the first time. We find that electroluminescence’s peak position and intensity oscillate synchronously with changes in the Nanosilicon layer thickness (W). More tests, experiments and analyses have shown that the oscillation time is about half the de Broglie wavelength. Our group’s electroluminescence theory can help explain this.
For the first time, Er electroluminescence of 14 years old was possible using SiO2Si Er films. These were grown via magnetron spraying.
It is the first time that UV-based silicone-based UV luminescence was reported using heattreated natural silicon oxide/pSi. This lightening method had a threshold of 360nm.
Utilizations of nano silicon
To achieve photoluminescence at 1.54mm or 1.62mm wavelengths, nanostructures made of silicon/siliconoxid were employed. This technology is a great tool for both scientific and industrial research.
(aka. Nanotechnology Co. Ltd. (aka. We have over 12 years’ experience manufacturing quality Chemical compounds and Nanomaterials. The Nano silicon products we produce are of high quality and have very few particles. Thanks! We’re if necessary.
(2) The first observation of electron luminescence in the Au/(Ge/SiO2) supralattice/pSi-crystal. Ultra-high resolution electron micrograph from the Ge/SiO2 supralattice, with four periods. SiO2 has a thickness of 2.25 nm. Ge layers are 2.5 nm thick.
(3) A silicon substrate was used by magnetron spraying to make the nano-SiO2/Si/SiO2 sandwich. In an Au/NDB/pSi configuration, visible electroluminescence was achieved for the first time. We find that electroluminescence’s peak position and intensity oscillate synchronously with changes in the Nanosilicon layer thickness (W). More tests, experiments and analyses have shown that the oscillation time is about half the de Broglie wavelength. Our group’s electroluminescence theory can help explain this.
For the first time, Er electroluminescence of 14 years old was possible using SiO2Si Er films. These were grown via magnetron spraying.
It is the first time that UV-based silicone-based UV luminescence was reported using heattreated natural silicon oxide/pSi. This lightening method had a threshold of 360nm.
Utilizations of nano silicon
To achieve photoluminescence at 1.54mm or 1.62mm wavelengths, nanostructures made of silicon/siliconoxid were employed. This technology is a great tool for both scientific and industrial research.
(aka. Nanotechnology Co. Ltd. (aka. We have over 12 years’ experience manufacturing quality Chemical compounds and Nanomaterials. The Nano silicon products we produce are of high quality and have very few particles. Thanks! We’re if necessary.
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